We’ve all heard that blogging is one of the most important ways to market your business online. Let’s take a look at this infographic to explore what blogging can really do for your business.
Looking at the data, it is hard to not see the value in blogging, when 46% of people read blogs multiple times a day, and another 32% read them at least once a day.
Out of the 39% of companies that had blogs in 2011, two-thirds of the marketers at those companies believed that the blog is important to their business. On average, these companies see 55% more visitors to their websites than those which do not blog.
The infographic also shows that B2B companies with blogs create 67% more leads, and B2C companies that blog generate even more, with 88% more leads per month. With such a powerful tool for generating new leads, it’s logical to ask, “How many blog posts do I need to publish each month?” The infographic suggests that as long as you publish more than 51 blog posts, you will see your median monthly leads increase by 77%.
Infographic courtesy of GenY Medium.