While search engines continue to put an emphasis on personalized search, the data presented in the infographic below seems to imply that our personalized queries aren’t helping us out all that much.
In general, it seems that people believe that search engines are getting better at finding relevant results. According to the infographic, 52% of people reported that search results are getting more relevant. Another 55% of people responded that the quality of results are also improving.
In theory, personalized search should increase the relevancy of search results, helping to improve the overall search experience and improve people’s ability to find the information they’re seeking. Despite the theoretical benefits, the infographic reports that 65% of people think that personalized search is a bad thing, while only 29% think it is good. Irrespective of what you think, 73% of people reported feeling that personalized search is an invasion of privacy.
This raises a few important questions about the value of personalized search results in comparison to results that are personalized. Is it helpful to read one of your contact’s articles on a topic over a piece by a leading industry expert?
On another note, why are search engines focused on personalization when there are so many basic areas for improvement that will increase the overall relevance and quality of the results they deliver.
Let us know what you think. Is personalized search a good thing? Do you find that it helps or hinders your web searches?
Infographic courtesy of MDG Advertising.