This social media infographic by Column Five and Get Satisfaction highlights the opportunities for brands using the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter to strengthen their brands and influence consumer purchasing decisions.
Social Media and Brand Influence
The most compelling statistic from this infographic, based on a survey, is the report that 97.9% of respondents feel that their online experience with a brand influenced their purchasing decisions.
Impact of Followers, Fans, and Likes
The impact of social media is highlighted by consumers who follow, fan or like a brand. This data shows the clear benefit for brands using social media to cultivate a relationship with consumers.
Consider Brand When in the Market for Product or Service
- 22.69-23.92% – Always
- 4.9-47.75% – Usually
- 26.67-34.41-% – Sometimes
- 1.96-2% – Never
Buy Product or Service from the Brand
- 17.46-29.61% – Always
- 42.89-45.88% – Usually
- 31.37-36.66% – Sometimes
- 2.99-3.14% – Never
Recommend Brand to Others
- 22.95-29.41% – Always
- 36.86-39.15% – Usually
- 3.98-33.92% – Sometimes
- 2.75-3.99% – Never
Top Reasons to Follow, Fan or Liking a Brand
- 36.9-43.5% – Special Offers and Deals
- 23.5%-32.9% – Current Customers
- 18.2-22.7% – Interesting or Entertaining Content
- 6.2-6.3% – Friends are Fans of Brand
- 3.5-5% – Service, Support, Product News
- .7% – Other
How Many Brands Consumers Like on Facebook
The social media infographic presents data on how many brands Facebook users like, giving insight into consumer behavior and the potential impact of competition. With 53.47% of respondents only liking 2-5 brands on Facebook, the importance of getting started building a presence is highlighted. Fortunately for brands who are yet to build a presence on Facebook, 21.2% like 5-1 brands, 13.32% like 1+ brands, and only 12.1% like a single brand.
Consumer Activity with Brands
It turns out that one of the best ways for brands to engage people on Facebook and Twitter is to sponsor contests or sweepstakes. The infographic shows that 7% of people surveyed have participated in brand-sponsored contests or sweepstakes. Of those people who participated, 24% have produced some type of content in order to participate in the contest.
This is important. It shows the value of offering incentives such as discounts, contests and sweepstakes using social media to drive the creation of content. This is the epitome of effective content marketing. Consumers are generating content for a brand, free of charge and their participation is broadcast to their friends.
As most people know, reviews from friends have a huge impact on consumer purchasing decisions. By offering incentives to consumers, brands can generate valuable content to be used in social media campaigns and build a strong presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter, drastically improving a brand’s strength.
Infographic courtesy of http://columnfivemedia.com/ and Get Satisfaction.