From the dawn of civilization, stories have captivated our imagination and shaped the course of our history.
With the rise of the social media age, storytelling has become even more powerful. In the words of the famous Greek philosopher Plato, “Those who tell the stories rule society.” With the release of Facebook Timeline, telling a compelling story to build your brand and rule your market has become a little easier.
Here are three storytelling tips that you can use while building your Facebook Timeline to take your brand to new heights.
Tall Tales
To truly capture the attention of consumers, tell a tall tale. With social media, telling a story that is truly compelling can help your brand go viral.
A viral story will not only build brand awareness, it will also grow your social media presence. In the words of mythologist Joseph Campbell, “If you’re going to have a story, have a big story, or none at all.”
Powerful storytelling does not come from clearly spelling out meaning, but the underlying metaphor derived from a great story. As cultural anthropologist and writer Mary Catherine Bateson points out, “The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories.”
Tell your story using your Facebook Timeline in a way that highlights the underlying metaphor that your brand represents. This will help you connect with consumers in a more meaningful way and build a new level of brand loyalty.
As society and culture evolve, so should your brand. Changing your branding can be challenging, time consuming and expensive, especially for more established brands.
According to renowned storyteller Spalding Grey, “one of the ways to reincarnate is to tell your story.” By telling your story using your Facebook Timeline you can reincarnate your brand, and capture the attention of today’s consumers.
On Storytelling
In today’s age of rapid cultural change and information overload, a great story can be key to capturing the attention of consumers. With your Facebook Timeline, telling a compelling story that can propel the growth of your brand is easier than ever.
If nothing else, remember the advice of Ira Glass, host and executive producer of This American Life: “Great stories happen to those who can tell them.”
For more Facebook Timeline advice, check out the Facebook Timeline Ideas series.