Here are 5 visual Facebook Timeline tutorial guides to improve your marketing on Facebook.
Facebook Timeline Explained
The tutorial infographic below does a great job of visually communicating the essentials of Facebook Timeline for business pages. Each element of a Facebook Timeline page is broken down with a brief explanation and a few tips. The tutorial emphasis the important of making everything from your Facebook Timeline cover photo to your posts visually stunning. It also recommends that you time your posts to go out when your audience is most active.
Facebook Timeline Business Tutorial
Want a detailed breakdown of almost every element of Facebook Timeline business pages? This Facebook Timeline tutorial will teach you how to tell your business’s story and more. You will learn about each element on your Timeline complete with best practices as well as warnings on what not to do. The tutorial also shares a few important changes that you should be aware of including:
- You can send and receive messages on your Facebook page
- You can no longer specific a default landing page
- You have the ability to curate your Timeline by hiding, pinning and staring posts
eCommerce Facebook Timeline Tutorial
With Facebook ecommerce sales expected to reach $3 billion in 2015 and $9 billion in 2012 it is time to start thinking about opening up your Facebook shop. Consider the fact reported in the tutorial that a Facebook store can increase sales conversions by up to 2%. The Facebook Timeline tutorial on eCommerce also highlights the important role of visually stunning imagery in Facebook marketing, and shares a few Facebook marketing ideas.
6 Step Facebook Timeline Tutorial
It can be a little overwhelming to learn all the basics of Facebook Timeline for business pages. In this tutorial you will learn quickly learn the 6 steps to get your Facebook Timeline in order. If you are just getting started with Facebook marketing this is a great checklist to follow to get up and running.
Facebook Timeline Tutorial Template
If you want an easy way to remember the sizes of the various elements on your Facebook Timeline page this tutorial is perfect for you. This simple tutorial breaks down the image sizes of different elements. It also shares image sizing tips to help improve the design of your Facebook Timeline page.
Facebook Timeline Design Tutorial
The first step in creating a visually stunning Facebook Timeline is to understand the basics. This tutorial infographic will walks you through the different images that need to be configured, image sizes, along with a few tips and Timeline design ideas. This Facebook Timeline tutorial highlights the benefits of the increased width available for Facebook apps.
Infographic courtesy of iFrame Apps.